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Easy doesn’t
your body
Mark Harari Boxing
It takes hard work.
Persistence. Passion.
And a consistent drive
to be YOUR best.
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Mark’s philosophy on
fitness mirrors his
philosophy on life.


was born and raised in Dallas, Texas.  After graduating from the University of Texas at Austin, Mark moved to Los Angeles to combine his passions for fitness, entertainment, and business development into one.

In 2007, Mark created Pulse Fitness Studio in Sherman Oaks, CA.  His unique concepts for fitness training, along with his passion for helping others reach their goals, has been the driving force behind his proven success as a leader in the health and wellness industry.  With press coverage ranging from Access Hollywood and EXTRA, to articles in People, Shape, Fitness and other magazines, Pulse has built an outstanding reputation as both a celebrity body changer, and a well-respected hotspot in the trend-setting and highly competitive Los Angeles fitness community. Mark has personally worked with some of Hollywood’s hottest A-list celebrities to help keep them fit and fierce for their on-screen roles.